Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341.
A department of art in a college of arts and media and a department of human sciences in a college of health sciences in a state-supported university.
Date of Initial Accreditation: 04/01/2015
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2022
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2032-2033
Degree-Granting, Non-Degree-Granting, SACSCOC, Not-for-Profit, Public, Teacher Education Accreditation.
Michael Henderson, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Media
Telephone: (936) 294-1117
Facsimile: (936) 294-3413
Ron Reed, Chair, Department of Human Sciences
Telephone: (936) 294-2481
Degree and Program Listing
Bachelor of Arts-4 years: Art; Interior Design.
Bachelor of Science-4 years: Interior Design.
Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Animation; Graphic Design; Photography; Studio Art (2-D, 3-D).
Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Animation (Teaching Certification); Graphic Design (Teaching Certification); Photography (Teaching Certification); Studio Art (2-D [Teaching Certification], 3-D [Teaching Certification]).
Master of Fine Arts-3 years: Art and Social Practice.