Rod Parker

Member, NASAD Commission on Accreditation
Reelected October 2022, term ends October 2025

Rod Parker serves as Director of the School of Art at Louisiana State University (LSU), a position he has held since 2008. As Director, he established the School’s Digital Art program.

Professor Parker’s postgraduate work in scholarly publishing in the United States led him first to magazine and book design, then to identity design and branding for companies in the United Kingdom and Europe. In 1985 he founded a Baton Rouge, Louisiana-based design firm, and in 1995 he joined the faculty of the School of Art at Louisiana State University. He launched GDSO, a student-run design unit, and was a founding member of AVATAR—Arts, Visualization, Advanced Technologies and Research.

Professor Parker has served NASAD as a member of the Committee on Nominations. He was first elected to the Commission on Accreditation in 2019.

Born in England, Professor Parker studied Typography and Bookbinding at the University of the Arts, London.

Updated November 2022