Report of the Commission on Accreditation: October

October 2024


Subsequent to action by the Commission on Accreditation in October 2024, NASAD is pleased to welcome the following institution as a new member:

Institutions Granted Associate Membership:

Samford University
Scott Fisk
Chair, Department of Art

700 Colony Circle
Birmingham, AL 35209

Seton Hill University
Patricia Beachley
Chair, Department of Art

P.O. Box 017
1 Seton Hill Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Gary Roznac
Associate Chair, Department of Visual Arts

Fine Arts Building, Room 111
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

University of South Carolina Aiken
Joel Scraper
Chair, Department of Visual and Performing Arts

471 University Parkway
Aiken, SC 29801

FORMAL COMMISSION REPORT. The official report of actions taken by the NASAD Commission on Accreditation at its meetings of October 2024 begins on the following page.

National Association of Schools of Art and Design

Kristi A. Nelson, Chair
October 2024


After positive action by the Commission on Accreditation, the following new institutions were granted Associate Membership:

Samford University
Seton Hill University
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
University of South Carolina Aiken

Action was deferred on four (4) institutions applying for Associate Membership.

After positive action by the Commission on Accreditation, the following member institutions were granted Membership:

The College of New Jersey
Eastern Michigan University
Fayetteville State University
Framingham State University
Western Connecticut State University

Action was deferred on two (2) member institutions applying for Membership.

Progress Reports were accepted from four (4) institutions recently granted Membership.

After positive action by the Commission on Accreditation, the following institutions were granted renewal of Membership:

Anderson University (South Carolina)
Bowling Green State University
Bridgwater State University
California State University, Northridge
Chicago State University
Delta State University
East central College
Francis Marion University
Hope College
James Madison University
Lorain County Community College
Montana State University
Montana State University Billings
Nazareth University
New World School of the Arts
Normandale Community College
Northwest College
Queensborough Community College
State University of New York, New Paltz
Tennessee Technological University
University of Cincinnati
University of Oregon
Western Michigan University
Winthrop University

Action was deferred on twenty-three (23) institutions applying for renewal of Membership.

Progress Reports were accepted from thirteen (13) institutions recently granted renewal of Membership.

Four (4) applications were approved for Substantive Change.

Action was deferred on one (1) application for Substantive Change.

Seventy-seven (77) programs were granted Plan Approval.

Action was deferred on forty-four (44) programs submitted for Plan Approval.

Progress Reports were accepted from two (2) institutions concerning programs recently granted Plan Approval.

Thirty-nine (39) programs were granted Final Approval for Listing.

Action was deferred on one (1) program submitted for Final Approval for Listing.

Two (2) institutions were notified regarding failure to submit the 2023-2024 Accreditation Audit.

Two (2) institutions were notified regarding failure to submit the 2023-2024 Affirmation Statement.

One (1) institution was granted a second-year postponement for re-evaluation.

Two (2) institutions were notified regarding failure to submit the 2022-2023 HEADS Data Survey.

One (1) institution was notified regarding monies outstanding for 2023-2024.

One (1) institution was notified regarding monies outstanding for 2022-2023.

One (1) institution was notified regarding past due for submission of the Notice of Intention to Apply form.

Progress Reports were accepted from three (3) institutions concerning materials reviewed in the Supplemental Annual Report 2022-2023.

Two (2) institutions (Arizona State University, California State University Los Angeles) were placed on probation.

Seven (7) institutions (Carson Newman University, Pacific Union College, Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, University of Notre Dame, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vermont College of Fine Arts) withdrew from membership during the 2023-2024 academic year.