NASAD Annual Meeting 2022: Elections, Appointments, Appreciation

November 2022


Members and friends of NASAD gathered in Jacksonville, Florida in October 2022 for the Seventy-Eighth Annual Meeting. The Association extends deepest appreciation to all those who were part of the volunteer effort that makes these meetings successful, an effort that includes preparing and making presentations, leading discussion, sharing expertise and insight, and much more.


Subsequent to action by the Membership and the Board of Directors during the 2022 Annual Meeting, we are pleased to announce the election, re-election, or appointment of the following individuals to office in NASAD:

Kurt T. Steinberg, Montserrat College of Art

Members, Board of Directors
Susan E. Cahan, Tyler School of Art and Architecture
Dana Clancy, Boston University

Members, Commission on Accreditation
Gregory M. Elliott, University of Texas at San Antonio
Jade Jewett, California State University, Fullerton
Rod Parker, Louisiana State University
Paige Williams, Art Academy of Cincinnati

Chair, Committee on Nominations
Shari Rethman, Sinclair Community College

Members, Committee on Nominations
Jonathan Fahnestock, Maryville University of St. Louis
Greg Hull, Herron School of Art and Design

Chair, Committee on Ethics
Susanne Floyd Gunter, Converse College


The Association wishes to express its deepest thanks to those individuals who left office in NASAD in 2022 after serving one or more terms:

Secretary pro tempore
Judy Bullington, Belmont University

Member, Commission on Accreditation
David H. Jackson, Ringling College of Art and Design

Chair, Committee on Nominations
Nathaniel Allen, Alabama State University

Members, Committee on Nominations
Marie Bukowski, Kent State University
Tsai Lu Liu, North Carolina State University

NASAD is indebted to these exceptional individuals for their dedication and volunteer spirit, without which the Association’s work could not go forward.