Accredited Institutions Search

Converse University

580 East Main Street, Spartanburg, SC 29302.

A department of art and design in a school of the arts in an endowed college.

Date of Initial Accreditation: 10/1/2008
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2023
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2033-2034

Degree-Granting, Non-Degree-Granting, SACSCOC, Not-for-Profit, Private, Teacher Education Accreditation.


Susanne Floyd Gunter, Institutional Representative, Department of Art and Design
Telephone: (864) 596-9126
Facsimile: (864) 596-9606

Mary E. Carlisle, Chair, Department of Art and Design
Telephone: (864) 596-9126
Facsimile: (864) 596-9606

Degree and Program Listing

Bachelor of Arts-4 years: Art Education; Art History; Art Therapy; Studio Art.
Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Interior Design; Studio Art.
Master of Arts in Teaching-3 years: Art Education.
Master of Education (Low Residency)-2 years: Art Education.