Vincennes University
1002 North First Street, Vincennes, IN 47591.
A department of art and design in a college of humanities in a two-year university.
Date of Initial Accreditation: 9/1/1985
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2017
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2026-2027
Degree-Granting, Community College, HLC, Not-for-Profit, Public.
Ron Wise, Chair, Department of Art and Design
Telephone: (812) 888-4465
Degree and Program Listing
Associate of Arts-2 years: Art (Art Education, Studio Art).
Associate of Science-2 years: Art (Art Education, General Studio, Photography, Pre-Art Therapy, Studio Art); Art-Design (Graphic Design); Graphic Design.
Associate of Science (Vocational)-2 years: Graphic Design (Photography).