Accredited Institutions Search

San José State University

One Washington Square, San José, CA 95192.

A department of art and art history and a department of design in the college of humanities and the arts in a state-supported university.

Date of Initial Accreditation: 9/1/1974
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2022
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2031-2032

Degree-Granting, WSCUC, Not-for-Profit, Public, Teacher Education Accreditation.


Virginia San Fratello, Chair, Department of Design
Telephone: (408) 924-4352
Facsimile: (408) 924-4626

Degree and Program Listing

Bachelor of Arts-4 years: Art (Design Studies, Studio Practice [General, Teacher Preparation]); Art History and Visual Culture.
Bachelor of Science-4 years: Industrial Design.
Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Art (Animation/Illustration, Digital Media Art, Photography, Pictorial Art, Spatial Art); Graphic Design; Interior Design.
Master of Arts-2 years: Art History and Visual Culture.
Master of Fine Arts-3 years: Art (Digital Media Art, Photography, Pictorial Art, Spatial Art).
Bachelor of Fine Arts-4 years: Animation/Illustration.